Brand KPI Trackers

Brand KPI Trackers: AplusA’s Flagship Studies

Representing 70% of AplusA’s business, Brand Key Performance Indicator Trackers are the core focus of AplusA’s Primary Marketing Research offering.  Brand KPI Trackers are market research tracking studies which assess brand performance and guide marketing actions by following specific KPI metrics over time. AplusA’s expertise in this area has led to a high level of repeated business from our clients, with many of them commissioning multiple wave studies year after year.

AplusA’s unrivalled expertise in KPI Trackers began over two decades ago, when the company President Pierre Pigeon restructured the company.  The Reorganization led to the creation of a functional business unit dedicated to each type of KPI Tracker study. The knowledge and experience garnered from this specialization enables AplusA to constantly improve its KPI TRAACKER™ products to meet its clients’ needs. This functional organization has also enabled these specialized, internal teams to more easily innovate and develop new KPI TRAACKER™ solutions. 

Brand KPI Trackers